Firefighter Film License

PROJECT: Hometowners, collectively with any related, ancillary, or derivative works

1. Grant of Rights: For good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Licensor hereby grants to Licensee the non-exclusive right and license to film, photograph, record, and/or videotape scenes or footage for the Project depicting, displaying, showing or otherwise incorporating the Works, or any portions thereof, and to exhibit, distribute, reproduce, perform and exploit the Project incorporating or displaying the Works (or any edited or manipulated images thereof), throughout the universe and in perpetuity, in any and all manner and media now known or hereafter devised, including, without limitation, theatrical; nontheatrical including educational; television (including broadcast, pay-per-view/VOD, cable, satellite, streaming, etc.); internet/web-based delivery systems including streaming services, downloadable platforms, etc.; home video (including DVD, blu-ray, videotape, etc.); all ancillary purposes including marketing, trailers, television and digital spots, promotional films, advertisements, social media, etc. Neither the expiration or termination of this Agreement shall effect the foregoing grant of rights provisions. Licensee shall have no obligation to utilize the Works in the Project, or to produce, distribute or otherwise exploit the Project.

2. Ownership: The ownership of the Project and all rights therein and thereto, shall be entirely the property of Licensee in perpetuity and throughout the universe. However, the foregoing shall in no event be deemed to diminish Licensor’s ownership and other rights, if any, in and to the Works.

3. Further Consideration: In further consideration for the rights and licenses granted herein, if the Works are used, in whole or in part, in the Project, Licensee will give Licensor a “thank you” credit.

4. Warranties: Licensor warrants and represents that Licensor owns or controls the copyright in and to the Works, and owns or controls all additional rights in and to the Works necessary to grant this license, and that the use and depiction of the Works in the Project shall not violate any applicable law, right of privacy or other personal right, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right. Licensor will indemnify and hold Licensee, its financiers, successors, licensees, and assigns, harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising out of any breach of these warranties. Licensor further warrants and represents that the person providing the Works has the authority to bind Licensor to the terms of this agreement.

5. General: This license shall be: (i) construed in accordance with the laws of Washington State (without regard to the conflicts of laws principles); (ii) assignable by Licensee; (iii) binding upon, and for the benefit of, the parties and their respective heirs, successors, licensees, and assigns; (iv) modified only in writing where signed by both parties; (v) severable, should any provision be deemed void or unenforceable; and (vi) constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with regard to the subject matter. Licensor expressly acknowledges that in no event shall Licensor have any right to seek or receive injunctive or other equitable relief.