Share the Sea
Content Strategy / Story Development / Film Production / Photography / Interactive / Casting
Feeding people well.
Over 49 million Americans have limited access to healthy, nutrient-dense food. SeaShare's mission is to fulfill this vital need by getting one of the most high-valued and costly protein sources into food banks, pantries, and shelters across America.
Through video, photography and interactive design Vignette worked with Seashare to help tell their compelling story and break down the complex process of getting seafood from the ocean into the homes of people who need it most.

Filming took us from food banks and shelters in Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago and Boston to processing plants, storage and shipping facilities and onto fishing vessels in Alaska.

In the end, SeaShare is its people. To convey the community nature of the organization we created a series of portraits of many of the individuals who generously contribute their unique talents and services.

The project launched with a 3 month social media campaign to raise awareness and drive donors to the new website. The effort raised money to deliver over one million meals for individuals and families in need.